Jekyll, Ubuntu, and GitHub Pages

(V039-20210731) Just, GitHub Pages, Ubuntu, and Jekyll
This site is managed by VauLSMorg ( since 2020.

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Tutorial 11: Themes


Tutorial 11: Themes

Minima is not a native GitHub Page theme. It will cause a lot of headaches! See also starting for more details.


  1. Find a theme at

  2. Preview a theme. Example: jekyll-theme-hacker

  3. Switch theme in the _config.yml file:
    theme: jekyll-theme-hacker
  4. Modify Gemfile file:
    source ""
    # gem "github-pages"
    gem "jekyll"
    gem "minima"
    gem "jekyll-theme-hacker"
    gem "jekyll-feed"
    gem "tzinfo-data"
  5. Execute:
    bundle install
  6. Grep:
    grep layout: *.md *.html */*.md */*.html
  7. Change all layouts to “default”

  8. Example file _config.yml:
title: GitHub Pages, Ubuntu, and Jekyll
description: >-
  (V039 20210731) Just, GitHub Pages, Ubuntu, and Jekyll
author: "Mr. Yoda-Yoda"
theme: jekyll-theme-hacker
  - metadata